Addicted to Summer

If you are already googling your next vacation, you are probably not alone. Labor Day can feel like an ominous reminder that the long, warm days are ending. A good friend of mine all but panics over the loss of summer, always the first to remind me change is coming. Unfortunately, summer is not just a vibe, it truly has its benefits. Increase in sunshine and time outdoors automatically gives us so many things we crave: serotonin and Vitamin D for starters. This helps mood, energy and can help us sleep better. So why bring this up? If you are predisposed to depression, normally have lower Vitamin D levels or struggle with seasonal changes this is a great time to plan for a little extra support for yourself.

Reality of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

While Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is not entirely preventable for those that suffer, recognizing its patterns can be very validating for individuals who find themselves frustrated with their own changes in behavior and even their capacity for stress during certain times of the year.

As the weather cools in Fall, you may oversleep more often, struggle with increased cravings for carbs and sugars and feel generally low energy. If feeling down and hopeless lasts for more than 2 weeks, you may want to talk with a mental health professional. Otherwise, here are some helpful tips to get you through the Fall and Winter blues.

Layer up: If at all possible, continue to take time outside, particularly first thing the morning. It may take more clothing to make it comfortable, but that precious time in the sunshine helps the body adjust to the shorter days.

Nourish your brain: Talk with your doctor and check your Vitamin D levels as the season shifts. You may need to include an oral Vitamin D just on a seasonal basis or ensure that you are eating foods rich in Vitamin D to help your body cope. Recognize that if you are on a high protein diet, you may need to add in healthy carbs to supplement the needs being signaled by the drop in serotonin. Pay attention to the timing of cravings, you may have an afternoon drop that necessitates a planned snack.

Cozy up with community: Create opportunities to spend positive time with your social groups. Often weather shifts drive us indoors, but that doesn’t have to reduce opportunity for get-togethers. Try having planned game nights, fire-pit or jacuzzi evenings, the things you didn’t make time for during the hot summer months.