I am a huge supporter of increasing human connection. And that is why I recommend online therapy for many clients who are struggling to get started with counseling services. I think ideally we should find ourselves face-to-face with other humans that support and believe in us, but even an online interaction with a counselor could be life-saving.
The idea of “telehealth” became more familiar for all of us during the COVID pandemic. I remember meeting a new doctor online during that time and finding it incredibly convenient to get it scheduled into my day and wondering at how far this medical model might take us. Since that time I have offered hundreds of online hours of therapy and supported clients all across the state of Colorado.
Here are some tips and tricks that can help you find a virtual therapist that works for you.
Ensuring online privacy: While logging online from home can feel much more familiar and
comfortable, it is important for your online therapist to ensure that the session is private and
confidential. From an encrypted platform for the video-session to ensuring that you have
privacy from being overheard during your session, a good online therapist will ensure that you
have a safe and private space to talk. If your home does not allow for privacy, you may find that
seeing your therapist in-office is a better option.
Feeling connected: Whether you are meeting in-person or online, you should feel safe and heard with your therapist. If you are generally comfortable with online platforms for work meetings or in your personal life, meeting online can be a great option. Because there are fewer geographical and even scheduling limitations for online therapy, it can actually increase the chances of finding a therapist you connect with. Some individuals start with online therapy as a way to test the waters and then transition to meeting in person if they feel that counselor is a good fit. Also, if you are changing jobs or moving within state, online therapy is more flexible allowing you to maintain a provider that works well for you.
Setting short-term goals: Online therapy has been shown to support recovery and support of mental health for individuals and even some children. It can be helpful to look for tangible changes in your mood, coping and behaviors to see if counseling is benefitting you. You can start with a counselor with 1-2 month goals in mind, allowing yourself the freedom to focus on one area without feeling a ‘forever’ commitment to counseling.
Opt for hybrid support: Another great feature of virtual therapy is allowing for some in-person
work and then adding additional support online between those in-person sessions. Clients can
benefit from the mindfulness and presence of in-person support and then check-in on further
coping skills and goals with shorter, online sessions. This form of hybrid work can be a more
affordable way to move towards wellness goals as shorter online sessions may be more
affordable. Make sure and explore with your therapist how virtual work can complement and
enhance your goals.
Typically if a therapist is experienced with online therapy this service will be advertised as an
option. You can also ask any follow-up questions about virtual therapy during your initial
consultation or as you discuss your goals with them. If you have been waiting to get started